Hotels near Tower Bridge

London Tower Bridge Travelodge

Booking via telephone:

Calls cost 13p per minute plus your phone company's access charge. Bookings made through the Central Reservations line are subject to a non-refundable booking fee of £2.50 per call.

To amend or cancel a booking:

If you would like to speak to an advisor, please refer to the contact details on your confirmation email under the additional information section.

Remember, you can manage your booking online, simply login to 'My Travelodge'. Alternatively, if you do not have a 'My Travelodge' login, you will need to use your booking confirmation number to login.


To ensure that your Sat Nav device guides you directly to this hotel please use the Sat Nav postcode provided

Our Most Flexible Rate

These rates are still great value, but offer the most freedom to change bookings. Bookings are fully flexible and can be cancelled up until 12 noon on the day of arrival

Our Best Rate

This is a saver rate. This rate is Non refundable. You can amend them up to 21 days before arrival for a £5 fee.

Video on topic: London Tower Bridge Travelodge
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London Tower Bridge open & a boat passing through then ...
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London - Tower Bridge
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