Windsor Castle Changing of the Guards
The Changing of the Guard is one of the highlights of a visit to Windsor. A band usually accompanies the Guards, although this is subject to weather conditions.
The Guards can be watched as they march up the High Street and into the Castle, but to see the actual ‘changing’ ceremony you need to have paid to go into the Castle. The Ceremony takes place outside the Guardroom in the Lower Ward of the Castle. To watch the Guards march up the High Street takes only 10 minutes; to watch the actual ceremony inside the Castle takes about 30 minutes.
The Guard March takes place all year round, dependant on the weather. The Guards march on alternate days from August to March and daily during April, May, June and July, but never on a Sunday. The schedule (see final paragraph) is set by the British Army and is subject to change. Please check the Royal Collection's website for latest information and for a link to the British Army website.
To watch the new Guards march up the High Street you need to be positioned in the High Street at 10.50am. Once inside the Castle, the Guards change outside the Guardroom in the Lower Ward at 11.00am. The sentries are changed throughout the day. The old Guards then march back to the barracks at about 11.25am.
Please note that traffic is stopped when the guards make their way between the barracks on Sheet Street, along the High Street and into the Castle. Traffic Wardens and Police control traffic on the following approaches to the centre of town: Thames Street, the junction of Victoria Street and Sheet Street and near the junction of Frances Road and Sheet Street. Traffic is usually stopped between 10.45am and 11am (as the guards march to the Castle) and between 11.15am and 11.30am (as they return to the Barracks).
daily in May, excluding Sundays. Weather permitting.
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