London Tower Bridge Exhibition
What to expect when you step inside the most famous bridge in the world...
From the modern high-level Walkways and its spectacular new glass floor to the historic Engine Rooms and Towers, Tower Bridge Exhibition tells the history of the bridge and why it came into existence through animations and digital displays.
Due to popular demand, yoga is back at the Bridge!
Experience something truly unique with our sunrise yoga classes along the high-level Walkways, 42 metres above the River Thames. Enjoy stunning London views out to the west and even down below through our spectacular glass floor.
Classes will take place once a month, beginning Wednesday 17 February.
Tots at Tower Bridge
Get stuck into free, hands-on activities on each month during 2015 as part of our exciting new family learning programme.
Discover the inner workings of the most famous bridge in the world with our renowned engineering tours.
Bookings now being taken for this season's Engineering Tours.
The seventh in the ‘Art at the Bridge’ series in collaboration with Southwark Arts Forum launches on International Women's Day. Find out more about the female-only exhibition taking place in the Victorian Engine Rooms.
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