Tower Of London At Night Photo

Tower of London at Night

After-hours this place is off limits to most people, but not to us Operative 341. This will be your patch. The people here, your business

NIGHTWATCHERS is an after-hours immersive experience at the Tower of London, directed by award-winning digital theatre company ANAGRAM.

Step into a shadowy world of state surveillance, where messages and phone calls lead you around one of our most notorious prisons; this is your induction into the art of covert investigation. The story dips between contemporary London and the most dramatic years of the Elizabethan secret service.

Faith, violence and the invisible lines between truth and justice collide, and you must find your way guided by the stories of code-breakers, law enforcers and radical religious extremists.

In a climate of global insecurity, who watches the watchers?

Watch the trailer

"I don’t think it’s possible to evade surveillance. I am the one with no secrets. They have secrets. It is only because they have secrets that they can imagine everyone having them too." Ai Wei Wei

Commissioned by Historic Royal Palaces.


Running time: approx. 60mins
Age: 16+
Previews: £16
Concessions: £18 (HRP members, unwaged Tower Hamlets residents, under 25s) with ID
Full-price: £20

Dates and times

18.15, 18.35, 19.00, 19.20, 19.45

Previews: 1 and 2 February SOLD OUT
3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20 February All DATES SOLD OUT

This event asks you focus your auditory senses, creating a unique and individual experience. With this in mind we suggest you come with your friends, but take on the experience as an individual.


ANAGRAM is an award-winning creative digital company based at the vibrant Pervasive Media Studio in Bristol, with a talent for producing work that seamlessly brings together the physical and digital world. The company specialise in connecting the extraordinary one-off tale to universal questions that lie at the heart of what it means to be human. For the immersive documentary Door Into The Dark, ANAGRAM won the Storyscapes prize for best interactive work at Tribeca Film Festival, 2015.

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