Opening times for Tower of London
The huge stone encirclement that forms the Tower’s walls have protected kings and queens since Henry III’s refortifications in the mid-13th century. Take the Wall Walk to explore the Medieval Palace and seven huge towers: the Salt, Broad Arrow, Constable, Martin, 'Royal Beasts', Bowyer and Flint Tower.
Along the way, you’ll discover the Tower’s many different uses from Medieval times through to the 20th century; a royal residence, home of the Crown Jewels, a zoo, and above all else, a fortress.
South Wall Walk
Medieval Palace
The luxurious Medieval Palace contains recreations of fabulous interiors used by medieval kings and queens during their visits to their most important fortress.
St Thomas’s Tower
St Thomas’s Tower was built by Edward I in the late 1270s. He used this room to meet important visitors and conduct business in front of the huge fireplace.
Wakefield Tower
Built by Edward's father Henry III, the Wakefield Tower was completed some 40 years earlier. Here you can explore the room that was probably his Council Chamber, and we've reconstructed his throne.
Lanthorn Tower
Discover rare objects dating back to the time of Henry and Edward.
Salt Tower
Scratched into the walls of this tower you’ll find graffiti left by prisoners almost 500 years ago. This tower originally overlooked the Thames and in times of trouble, archers on the ground floor were able to protect it by shooting through the five arrow loops. During peaceful times the room was a storehouse.
East Wall Walk
Broad Arrow Tower
From the 14th century, the Broad Arrow Tower was connected to the government department responsible for royal supplies – the Wardrobe. Today, the Broad Arrow Tower has been re-presented as a guard tower, its original use. In this interactive exhibition, you can wield a crossbow and find out how the medieval garrison would have defended this section of the inner curtain wall.
Fighting Platform
This addition to the East Wall Walk recreates the atmosphere of a fortress in operation, where the garrison would have assembled in case of attack. Hear the sounds of the garrison at peace and at war, under cover of a wooden roof that would have protected them.
Constable Tower
Security breached! Tower raided! Here you can explore the remarkable story of the only time the defences of the fortress were ever breached – the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381.
Martin Tower
These days the Crown Jewels are kept in the Waterloo Barracks, but from 1669 until 1841 they were kept in the Martin Tower. Today, this tower houses the Crowns and Diamonds exhibition which tells the story of the English royal crowns.
North Wall Walk
Royal Beasts
For 600 years wild and exotic animals were kept at the Tower of London. Discover why they were imprisoned and what their life was like at the Tower at Royal Beasts.
Bowyer Tower
Explore the story of the Duke of Wellington – war hero, prime minister and Constable of the Tower of London.
Flint Tower
In the 20th century, the Tower continued to play an important defensive role for Britain. Hear the story of how this ancient fortress continued to play its part in a modern-day war.
Video on topic: Opening times for Tower of London

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